Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Case Study

Alway Read the Small Print

Case Questions:

1. What ethical issues are involved with the Dover Inn's policy? What would you advise the general manager to do?

2. What ethical issues are involved for all of the employees concerned? What would you advise the front desk employees? The shop employees? Explain your answers.

1 comment:

  1. 1. First of all, Dover Inn Hotel is ripping off guest with an extra charge to their room. That is stealing from their own customers. That is also not being honest. I would encourage the manager at Dover Inn that if he does not eliminate that extra charge from the customers receipt, I will be forced to suit the company. Moreover, I would take that matter to a higher level for taking advantage of people.
    2.The employees are forced to commit a crime for encourage customers to be charge into their room. I would encourage the front desk employee to withdraw that extra charge and report the problem to the Hotel Manager as soon as posible. I would tell the shop employees the same thing to report this problem and to solve the issue inmediately. This hotel is being dishonest to their clients.
    By: Henry Rodriguez
